Dual Language Vision

Students will have linguistic and academic competencies in two languages to be highly engaged and contributing global citizens.

Dual Language Mission

Los Altos Dual Immersion program promotes high standards of billingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism in Spanish and English in order to prepare students to be global citizens. Los que hablan dos idiomas pueden vivir y contribuir en dos mundos.

Program Goals

The program goals at Los Altos are aligned with the three pillars of Dual Language Education:

1. Bilingualism & Biliteracy

  • Students develop a high level of thinking, listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency in English and the partner language.

2. High Academic Achievement

  • Students strive for academic excellence in all subject areas, meeting or exceeding Common Core State Standards.

3.Socio-Cultural Competence:

  • Students develop positive attitudes and appreciation toward world languages and cultures in our global society, promoting their civic involvement.

Program Model

Our program offers a 50/50 Dual Language Immersion (DLI) model. In the 50/50 DLI model, the target language (Spanish) is used for 50% of the instructional time and English is used for 50%. 


Enrollment in the Dual Language program is open for Kinder & 1st Grade. In 2nd Grade and on, it depends on a Dual Language Assessment and Recommendation by the Dual Language Immersion Team, in collaboration with parent input. Research shows it takes at least 5 - 7 years to master a language, so admission to the program is based on strong primary language skill sets essential for language transference and student success.

Grade  English  Spanish
 Kinder  50%  50%
 1st  50%  50%
 2nd  50%  50%
 3rd  50% 50% 
 4th  50%  50%
 5th  50%  50%
 6th  50%  50%

Parent Commitment

When parents enroll their children in our Dual Language program, they commit to enrolling their child in the program for their elementary school career. Every parent attends a Dual Language orientation to ensure understanding of the program model. Parents also understand the long-term commitment made when entering a Dual Language program as well as be familiar with expectations for both languages.

Benefits of Bilingualism

Dual Language Education serves as a linguistic and cultural bridge for all and prepares our future citizens with the necessary academic and linguistic competencies to be highly qualified and competitive in a global society

Advantages of bilingualism include:

  • Positive Effects on the brain
    • For example, bilinguals have a better attention span and ability to multitask
  • An Educational Advantage
    • Research shows the bilinguals outperform monolinguals academically
  • An Economic Edge
    • For example, increased job opportunities
  • Health Benefits
    • Delayed onset of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Additionally, bilinguals develop an open-minded outlook, social adeptness, and a facility for learning even more languages.

Community Engagement Events

Our school engages families of our Dual Language students by planning the following community engagement events:

  • Informational Meeting
  • One school-wide cross-cultural event each year.

Additional District Information & Resources

For additional information and resources about Dual Language programs, please visit our district website:
